

In recent years, studies on the nervous system based on single-cell sequencing have revealed the differences in nervous system composition among different species. The SCAN_Species module contains 232 scRNA-seq datasets of 7 567 758 cells from 67 species. In this module, datasets were classified into 6 categories according to the biological taxonomy of species (i.e., Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Fishes, Invertebrates, Amphibians). This module allows efficient and convenient interactive exploration of gene expression profiles for each individual cell type among different species. By clicking on the sliding label on the species image, users can access an information page where we give a brief introduction to tested tissues, sequencing techniques, data sources and shiny link for users to visualize the gene expression profile and cell type information of the genes of interest. A total of fourteen icons were provided for each data set (i.e., Shiny, ST, Region, Devo, Evo, Footprint, Div, Stem, Talk, Tree, CVG, Enrichment, PPI and Motif). The icon will show in color mode if the analysis result is available and will be in grey mode otherwise. An icon legend was presented on top of the table to explain the content that each icon will lead to.




Data sets





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    CVG {{SCAN_Pan_ID}}

    cluster: cell cluster; gene: gene symbol; p_val: p value; avg_log2FC: average logFC between two groups; pct.1: the proportion of cells expressing the gene among the cells in the current cluster; pct.2: the proportion of cells expressing the gene among the cells in other clusters; p_val_adj: adjusted p-value;


    Enrichment {{SCAN_Pan_ID}} Download

    Protein protein interactions of cell type variable genes

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