

From embryo to adulthood, the development of the nervous system is a complex process undergoing a series of generation, shaping and reconstruction. Therefore, construction of a neural development map is of great scientific significance. The SCAN_Development module integrated the developmental neural cell atlas of 20 species. Users can select the species of interest according to the species image on this page, and then the UMAP image of each development period will be displayed at the bottom of this page. By clicking "View more", more detailed information about the dataset will appear and by clicking"View cell atlas in ShinyCell", the interactive visual interface will consistently show up.


  • {{t[0]['LatinName@A']}}

  • {{item['Timing@A']}}

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List of TVGs

cluster: cell cluster; gene: gene symbol; p_val: p value; avg_log2FC: average logFC between two groups; pct.1: the proportion of cells expressing the gene among the cells in the current cluster; pct.2: the proportion of cells expressing the gene among the cells in other clusters; p_val_adj: adjusted p-value;


Toppgen enrichment analysis of TVGs Download

PPI analysis of TVGs

Motif enrichment analysis of TVGs

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